because of ezra

Hi guys just a quick post to inform you of a theme for a very worthy cause.

All proceeds collected from the sale of this theme are given directly to the because of ezra foundation.

To read up more on this awesome charity visit their website. and feel free to donate any extra cash you may have to help this foundation to carry on the wonderful work they do for the young, innocent kids who are affected by this horrible condition.

The Theme

Firstly the theme Ezra2 is extremely complete. You will have a very hard time finding an image that has not been customised. The theme flows through the device extremely smoothly, Nothing feels out of place. The detail in the ui,icons etc is incredible, Thats what we have come to expect from the Masters of ui @Truckinlow and @barsoverbeats. Im sure you have all come across these two names while being apart of the icommunity, So you will already know what to expect upon purchasing this theme.

This theme is available on Cydia for a very reasonable price. Remember all proceeds go to charity.

Click the image to check out more


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